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presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 7, issue 3
October 1, 2004
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
Vol. 7, Issue 3, Fall 2004
New Director May Be Coming On Board
God Really Does Mean What He Says! A PM Co-worker Takes Saving Intercessory Act/on!
Home-Based Communities' News
Indiana Network
Co-Workers' News
Media Ministries
John Bosco Youth News
by Marianne Lander
Voting will take place at the annual Home-Based communities Retreat this Oct 16, 2004. The proposal is whether or not to accept Mark Schuerman as the newest director in Presentation Ministries (PM). Mark has been in training for close to two years. One of the requirements of a director is leading a PM ministry for at least one year. Last November 2003, Mark took on the leadership position of the reprint ministry which had been vacant due to the death of Mary Holtke in May of 2003.
At the retreat all covenanted members are eligible to vote. If you will be missing from the retreat it will be possible to vote with an absentee ballot. Call George Schmidi 513-941-2431 beforehand.
The statutes call for voting to take place either at the annual Home-Based Communities' Retreat or the annual Co-worker Retreat (usually held in January). The new director must be accepted by at least 80% of those attending.
What do PM directors do? They are responsible for all decisions in Presentation Ministries and Communities that involve more than one ministry or community. For instance, they may decide about financial matters, or the use of PM's facilities (the Ministry Center or the Full-time workers' house both in Cincinnati, as well as the Discipleship Center in Peebles). They see to it that the statutes of Presentation Ministries are being followed. If unresolved problems occur within or between PM's ministries or home-based communities they would arbitrate and deliver any final decisions. "The directors don't tell PM's leaders what to do, but if necessary, can tell them what not to do," says George Schmidl, head director.
Currently, there are two directors who, together with Mark, meet once a month or more often if a special need arises. Even while Fr. Al Lauer was still alive and acting as head director they divided the duties, each taking primary responsibility for a particular portion. One small blessing is that these three men live within a few miles of each other and getting together does not incur a huge amount of travel-time. They meet in each others' homes and occasionally at the Ministry Center. All directors' meetings are open to any who may wish to observe.
"Maybe five is a good number" said George Schmidi, head director, when asked if more directors are needed to be raised up. Potential directors are recommended by others, or if they feel this is a calling from God they may recommend themselves. The directors pray for discernment about potential new directors and ask the input of PM's leaders and Word Gifts Ministry.
George Schmidi, Jerry Cappel, and Mark Schuerman ask for your continued prayers. And we say a BIG "Thank you" to them for their sacrifice and service to all of us in Presentation Ministries.
by Nancy Kenny
I was blessed to attend this year's Bible Institute again. I always tell everybody that for me, the Bible Institute is like going to Hawaii, spiritually speaking. I can't wait to see what God has in store for all of us every year! He is SO amazing! This year was no different. God's plan unfolded before my eyes once again.
Our-two eldest of five children, Alan and Marybeth, both past attendees of the Bible Institute, were producing a full-scale Broadway musical in the Xavier University Theatre. The timing coincided with the last weekend of the Bible Institute. Sixty people toiled daily and into the wee hours of the night, putting the finishing touches on the show. In between classes at the Bible Institute, I popped into the theatre to offer assistance. Each time I assured them, "I'm praying (for all of you and for the show)!"
Returning home from the Bible Institute on Friday, July 30, at exactly 4:00 PM, I felt this incredible urge to call Alan and pray for the show. Even though only two minutes away from pulling into my driveway, I could not delay. Grabbing my cell phone I was amazed to hear Alan actually answer, since that week he had been too busy to take most of his calls. "Alan, we need to pray for the show." He said, "Great!"
First and foremost I prayed for safe travel for everyone involved in the show, and all the audience who would be attending. The prayer continued with many specifics, even to praying for the microphones and every singers' vocal cords. We asked God to take charge, and consecrated the show to Him for His honor and glory. No sooner was I home then the phone rang.
"Hello, Mrs. Kenny, this is Rachel's mother (Rachel was in Alan's show). I have some bad news...Rachel has just been in a terrible car accident and is hurt very badly. Someone ran a red light and hit us. I am OK, but Rachel has a broken arm, her face is all messed up, she is in shock, and is hysterical because I have to call and inform them that she can't be in the show tonight!"
My heart sank! I had just barely finished praying for everyone's safe travel! Gee, Lord!
I had never met Rachel's mom before but I offered to pray with her briefly. We begged the Lord to reach down and heal Rachel's injuries. We took authority over the Evil One. I asked Lord to take complete charge of this situation, to send the doctors he had chosen to help Rachel.
My daughter, Marybeth, the stage and production manager, stepped forward to "pinch hit" for Rachel. While we were pleased to see Marybeth on stage, every time I thought of Rachel my heart was broken for her. All those months of practicing, and now she had to miss the show! I prayed every time I thought of her.
Afterwards, that same night, Marybeth called Rachel to convey to her how much she was missed by the cast and crew and how distressed everyone was to hear of the accident.
The next day Rachel attended the matinee. That same night, surprisingly, with only her arm in a sling, there she was again, standing at the door collecting tickets! After the show, I chatted with Rachel and her mom telling them, "I must confess.. .1 prayed for safe travel for everyone involved with the show BEFORE I knew about your accident," referring to my prayers with Alan at 4:00 PM. "What time did your accident occur?" Looking at each other, they answered, "4:00."
I continued, "When you called me yesterday at 4:30, it sounded as though God did not answer my prayer. But now I see He did - He spared your life!" Rachel pointed to her face and said, "There are 3 bones broken right here - look, I don't even have a bruise!" Her mom added, "She was told in the emergency room that she would need plastic surgery but when the plastic surgeon arrived..." Rachel interrupted, "he said, `Your bones are all lined up now. You are fineyou don't need plastic surgery.' "
"And the pupils of her eyes were not working right," her mother resumed, "but by the time they sent the ophthalmologist, her eyes were fine!"
I exclaimed, "Wow! You both witnessed healing miracles right there in the emergency room!"
I reflected, "The Lord showed how much we need to give all to Him, walking with Him and with each other every step of this journey. He wants us to experience the power of prayer."
Just that week of the Bible Institute I had been prompted to open a book on intercession. Listen to the Lord, the teaching said, and then simply ask Him to do what He has already revealed as His will. This teaching on intercession inspired my specific intercession before and during this drastic situation. God, You really mean what You say! |
![]() Nancy Kenny speaks to Fr. Bill McCarthy at the July 2004 Bible Institute |
Home-Based Communities networked in Presentation Ministries
Ohio Communities:
Indiana Communities:
Kentucky Communities: Ft. Thomas:
Tennessee Community: Knoxville:
Michigan Communities:
Grand Rapids area:
Rogers City/Posen:
Texas Communities: El Paso:
The Annual HBC Retreat is scheduled for Oct 15-16, Friday 7:30 PM and Saturday from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. It takes place at St. Leo Church in North Fairmount (Cincinnati). The theme is "Presentation Ministries, A higher calling." Out-of-towners can request tapes of the 4 teachings.
Network Your Home-based Community with Presentation Ministries
If you are forming a new home-based community (or belong to an existing one) and wish to network with Presentation Ministries, contact Paul Autenrieb, who is the leader of the Home-based Communities Network for PM. ( or call: 513-451-9038)
The HBC Leaders' Training dates for 2005:
Sat, January 15, 2005, Cincinnati, OH Old St Mary's Church 9:00AM - 1:00PM (Mass at 12:10PM)
Sat, April 16, 2005, Miamisburg, OH Our Lady of Good Hope 8:00AM - 12Noon (Mass at 8:00AM)
Fri, July 29, 2005, Cincinnati, OH During the Bible Institute at Xavier University 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Sat, September 10, 2005, Greenfield, IN Location to be announced 8:00AM-12Noon IN time (9AM - 1PM OH time)
by Darlene Davis
Marshmallow crowns, Cheerio necklaces and older women shooting baskets was all part of the annual Indiana Communities Network Picnic in late August. Servants of Encouragement and St. Paul Communities served as hosts at Our Lady of the Apostles Family Center near Greenfield, Indiana. Discipleship Community supplied all the paper products, everyone pitched in a dish and Divine Mercy (our newest community ) and Foundations of Faith headed up the clean up. But by far the most popular Community on that overcast afternoon was Holy Family who put together a very clever and competitive scavenger hunt. At the different search points, each of the communities were required to complete various tasks such as making necklaces of string and Cheerios and shooting basketball hoops. Each community ended their search with instructions to find props to act out a specified Bible story for the entire group. We found out that we have a number of hams in this group! A great time was had by all. About ninety adults and children attended.
Divine Mercy HBC is the newest community in the Indiana Network
Co-worker's Cross Increases
by Peggy Nicholas
"Anyone committed to the truth hears My voice" (Jn 18:37). Sometimes in our darkest hour we really have to struggle to hear the Lord's voice. Sometimes its in our darkest hour that we most need to hear and obey the words of the Lord "...take up your cross and follow Me"
Our last issue included an article entitled Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me, featuring co-worker, Marjorie Albrechta.
In the short period of time since that article was written, Marjorie's cross has greatly increased in weight. Her eldest daughter Paula, 46 years, died unexpectedly from a brain aneurism on August 21, 2004. Paula was a single parent of 2 young boys, ages 15 and 10 years.
We respectfully request your prayers for the repose of the soul of Paula, for her children, and for the graces necessary for Marjorie to continue to sing her song "The one way to peace is the power of the Cross".
A Witness
by Dean Weber
Bishop Vincent Darius, O.P., the recently installed bishop of the Island of Grenada, West Indies, requested radio programs from us. He did this to expand the number of hours he could offer programming without incurring additional cost to create the programming on the diocesan radio station. The bishop said that his first priority after being made bishop was to increase the faith by increasing communications through the radio in his diocese. In December 2003 he started broadcasting:
1. "Daily Bread", a fifteen-minute program based upon the daily eucharistic readings.
2. Bible teaching in fifteen-minute segments. 3. Subject teaching in thirty-minute segments. The Bishop has many times since December thanked us for the programs which he liked because they were "faith-building". "And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." - John 8:32 147,000 Listeners? by Dean Weber Are there that many listeners of Fr. Lauer's "The Classic Edition of Daily Bread" radio programs? Could be, if he is listened to by one percent of the population that is being served by the twenty-two radio stations on which he is being broadcast. This is possible. Praise the Lord! |
Videos of Youth Play "Esther" Available
Videos of the recent Youth Group Play "Esther" from the Bible Institute are available. They are
$20. Also available are videos of last year's play "Fire on the Witness Stand." These are $15.
If you would like a copy, please send a check to:
Mary Hennessey These videos are awesome witnesses to the power of God working in our children. |
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Presentation Ministries' youth have been performing a glorious and anointed biblical musical play each year during the Bible Institute since the mid-90s.
RADIO Akron/Canton/Southern Cleveland Area Adds "Daily Bread" Program
By Dean Weber
WILB AM 1060 Living Bread Radio which is a powerful 5KW Catholic daytime radio station just started on the air in July. It added Fr. Lauer's classic edition of "Daily Bread" on August 2, 2004.
The program is on the air at 4:15PM Monday through Friday. A letter and two calling cards were sent out to 940 of our correspondents in the listening area. There were many who requested additional calling cards to evangelize using the program and the station. Praise the Lord.
Living Bread Radio is only the 80th Catholic station in the United States and the most
powerful Catholic station in Ohio. We want to thank the management for starting a Catholic
station and for putting Fr. Lauer's program on the air.
"Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature." - Mark 16:15 |
How to Evangelize Using the Presentation Ministries (PM) Website
by Chris Jasek
There is a wealth of Jesus' good news and truth available on the PM website and it is so easy to share with others.
Let's say your friend Jane at work is really struggling with forgiveness in a difficult family situation. You can easily e-mail her a link to The Book on Forgiveness ( to try to help her through the situation.
Or how about your cousin Mark who is doubting that speaking in tongues is present in the church today. Shoot off an e-mail to him with a link to Speaking in Tongues (
On the PM website there are over 100 publications you can read and share with others. Try e-mailing a link to One Bread, One Body ( to a friend or to another email list you might be on.
And of course there are many other great things on the PM website such as listening to "Daily Bread" radio program, reading "My People" newspaper or learning about upcoming Discipleship Retreats. The newest addition to the website is the PM audio and video tape catalog which lists hundreds of tapes that can be ordered.
Our website gets more and more traffic each month, but it could grow faster. The Internet is explosive! So why not take me up on this thanksgiving pledge: In thanksgiving for the blessings you have received through PM why don't you commit to share one link from our website with those in your family and with those in your workplace. Then the Lord will bless you some more.
Bible Telephone Line
For the past two years, since the death of Fr. Al, Wayne and Darlene Davis from Greenfield, Indiana have provided the teachings for the daily Bible Telephone Line. Just recently Jon Smith from Fortville, Indiana joined them and is now teaching on Sunday and Monday. The Bible Telephone Ministry welcomes Jon and his excellent teachings.
With the advent of unlimited long distance, many more people are now able to access the Bible Telephone Line daily. We encourage those with this service or those who have unlimited long distance through a cell phone to call the line. This will be great for those who do not have local access to the line in their areas. The message for the following day is always available by 6:00 PM Cincinnati time. If you have unlimited long distance service and have not already done so, why not call right now and listen to a teaching on today's Mass readings as well as the prayer requests on the line.
Cities where the Bible Telephone Line is available:
Even with many people getting unlimited long distance there is still a need for cities to have their own local line for those who do not have long distance. If you would like information on starting a line in your area call Wayne or Darlene at 317-462-5010. |
Wayne and Darlene Davis have regularly taught on the Bible Telephone teaching line ever since September, 2002 when Fr. Al personally asked them to assume leadership of this ministry. |
"We have come to worship Him" - Matthew 2:2
This is the theme of World Youth Day 2005 in Cologne, Germany, now less than a year away. The 55 Presentation youth and chaperones journeying to WYD 2005 are busy making preparations for this momentous event. The WYD pilgrims recently held a "shopathon" at St. Ignatius and a LaRosa's peelers fund-raiser to help pay for the trip. They are very grateful to those who supported these events and also to those who have sent donations. They are presently planning other fund-raisers, including a cookbook, cornhole tournaments and a dance. If you would like to support their efforts with a donation, please send to either:
Liz Egan
2910 Ratterman Ave.
Cincinnati OH 45211
Janet Willig
1771 Linneman Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45238
Make checks payable to: "St Leo Church" and earmark for "World Youth Day"
Youth Group Cleans Up to Help the Poor
by Tom Yee
Scrubbing disgusting toilets, washing filthy clothes, and cleaning out unpleasant trailers: sounds like fun, right? Recently some of the St. John Bosco Youth Group traveled down to Louisa, Kentucky in Appalachia to perform selfless acts like these for the poor. I was blessed by God to have been part of this fruitful trip.
One of the jobs we were assigned by Fr. Beiting, the founder of a ministry to evangelize and help the poor in Appalachia, was to clean a foul, putrid trailer. I took on the task to clean the bathroom inside this trailer. It looked like it hadn't been touched in 20 years; there were spiders everywhere, an inch of mold (or something) on the floor, and the smell was sickening. After multiple trips outside for fresh air, I finally got it done. I wasn't the only person who had disgusting jobs - Matt Mellon, Will Egan, and other members of the youth group did more awful jobs than I did. Everybody worked hard. Some, like Katie Rack, slaved in the hot sun painting a different trailer, while Jen Rack, with others, searched for household items in a large warehouse of donated goods to equip the trailers with kitchen utensils, bedding, etc. We all helped each other and anyone who needed assistance to make the trailers livable.
Work wasn't the only thing the youth group did. After finishing each day's task, the youth group took time to relax. One day we went swimming in the nearby lake. It had a 20-foot rock where we could jump off into the water. I can't swim, but after I donned a life jacket, and several of the youth group members came up with a plan to make sure I'd be safe, Mrs. Rack allowed me to jump too. Everyone seemed to enjoy our nights of fun together, especially when Matt Menkaus told his humorous story of a worm.
At the beginning of the trip, I was apprehensive about going, because I didn't know what to expect. But by the end of the trip, I can say it was well worth it. I am very glad that I received the chance to help those in need and develop new, lasting friendships. Isn't it amazing how disgusting work can be turned into an enjoyable blessing, when done with friends and the right attitude?! I am very thankful to God and Mrs. Rack for placing this opportunity in front of me.
Above, making the best of cleaning a very dirty
Left, the lean, mean, cleaning machine of (L to R)
Photos this issue are compliments of:
- Ron Rack & Rack Photography
- Helen Lanham-Steele
- Darlene Davis
- Charlene Rack