presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 7, issue 2
August 1, 2004
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
Vol. 7, Issue 2, Summer 2004
Reflections on the 40 Hours Devotion & Family Camp Out
One Bread, One Body Ministry Forges Ahead Under the Guidance of the Holy Spirit
Home-Based Communities' News
Indiana Communities Network
Prophecies for Presentation Ministries From the Word Gifts Ministry
Building Project Continues at the Jansen Discipleship Center in Peebles, Ohio
Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me
Co-worker On The Alert; Introduces Presentation Ministries To Visitors
2005: World Youth DayBound
Bible Telephone Line A Great Potential is There!
Radio Ministry: A Witness
PM Leaflet draws Hundreds A Month to the Website
Radio Louisville Adds Daily Bread Program
Annual 10% Return on Evangelization
"Turn Your Umbrellas Upside Down!"
Storm clouds whip up just minutes before the commencement of 40 hours devotion, as God begins to "nudge" the families (see article) into the chapel.Liz Schroeder (top) concentrates on a game of dominoes, before heading to the chapel for some late-night adoration.Fr. Don McCarthy leads prayer with the children in front of the Blessed Sacrament at 40 hours devotion. |
Fr. Ted Kosse presents a teaching to the adults at the 40 Hours
A procession accompanies the Blessed Sacrament at the close of
We continue to receive favorable comments and encouragement from our readers of One Bread, One Body. Many express their appreciation in being "fed" or "nourished" spiritually by reading each issue. Some find answers to life's daily problems on the very day that they needed it. Others sense an increase in their love for the Eucharist, scripture, and daily prayer. They can't imagine a day without their book! "Please keep it coming" is a frequent request.
"I find your publication to be a bit more true to the teachings of the Church and well backed by the scriptures so I can better explain our faith to the heavily Baptist population here." inmate, Hazelwood, NC
"I had to go clear to St Augustine's Church in Waikiki, HI, to find and read my first One Bread, One Body. I was in awe! For years I had read to my prison inmates from a similar book written by Protestants. Often I prayed: `I wish I had a small daily meditation put out by Roman Catholics." Fresno, CA
"Thank God for Fr. Al and you who continue his ministry. His earlier writing in One Bread, One Body is still current...Have you considered republishing?" Olympia, WA
"I am amazed how things happen in my life and the next reading will be about that situation and help me through it." Fishers, IN
"I'll be released soon, and...I cannot express the completeness, that I've received from sharing scripture, through One Bread, One Body. This devotion is part of my life, as it has been for five years now. My day does not go well without it. When Father Al Lauer passed, it hurt me. However, he's moved on to a better place, and thanks be to God that One Bread, One Body is still sending powerful messages daily. " inmate, Gatesville, TX
With the strength and power of the Holy Spirit, we very much plan to continue publishing One Bread, One Body. Chief editor, Paul Egan has been writing the majority of the new material since Fr. Al's death in October, 2002. He envisions all future issues carrying the same "spiritual punch" that Fr. Al packed into the book when he wrote. All new teachings are submitted to Presentation Ministries' Word Gifts Ministry to ensure the same quality found in issues throughout the past twenty years. Paul plans to include timeless selections taken from the archives of Fr. Al's teachings. With the graces of the Holy Spirit, Presentation Ministries will continue to put the light of God's word on the lampstand (see Mt 5:14-16 and Ps 119:105).
Home-Based Communities networked in Presentation Ministries
Ohio Communities:
Indiana Communities:
Kentucky Communities: Ft. Thomas:
Tennessee Community: Knoxville:
Michigan Communities:
Grand Rapids area:
Rogers City/Posen:
Texas Communities: El Paso:
The next HBC leaders' training day is during the Bible Institute at Xavier University: Friday, July 27, 2004 5:00-7:00PM. A simple meal will be provided.
If you are forming a new home-based community (or belong to an existing one) and wish to network with Presentation Ministries, contact Paul Autenrieb, who is the leader of the Home-based Communities Network for PM.
Email: or Call: 513-451-9038
The following Leaders' Training date is scheduled for Sept 11, 2004 in Greenfield, Indiana. The time is 8:00AM-12:00 noon (IN time) which is 9:00AM-1:00PM OH time. Car-pooling is available.
New Community!
By Darlene Davis
The communities in Greenfield, Indiana, Foundations of Faith and Servants of Encouragement, conducted an outreach during Lent using Introduction to Small Christian Communities and Unless the Lord Build the House. A new community was raised up. Tracy and Mayela Lopez are the leaders of the new community which has three couples, a mother from another family and eleven children. They have all committed to three months and are currently discerning a name and covenant. Please pray for them.
Holy Family Community has successfully completed a three session study of Theology of the Body, Human Love in the Divine Plan by John Paul II which they hosted in a local parish. The study was targeted for those who would like to better understand and appreciate the basic beliefs of the Holy Father regarding the core significance of marriage as a definition and an elaboration of God's intent for humanity and the Church. The teacher for this series was Marty Doucette, a member of the community.
Members of Servants of Encouragement taught a series, "The Bible Timeline" which concentrates on the historical books of the Bible to present the Old Testament in chronological order. Based on The Great Adventure by Jeff Cavins, it also traces salvation history from Adam and Eve, One Holy Couple, to Jesus and the institution of One Holy Catholic Church. Participants create their own timeline in the series. These seminars were presented for the Indianapolis archdiocesan group, Frassati Society at the archdiocesan Catholic Center.
Wayne Davis, leader of the Indiana Network will be entering the Deacon Formation Program for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis in August. Please pray for him!
Have news to share of your HBC? Contact me for the next newsletter (Fall)! Marianne (513) 662-5378 or
Here are the prophecies discerned by the Word Gifts Ministry, since last August, 2003 and the Bible Institute. For brevity, the references are simply listed for those prophecies which are strictly biblical quotations.
Aug 2003: Isaiah 44:3-5 & Exodus 17:9-13
Sept 2003: Exodus 18:13ff & Joshua 1:6-7, 9
Oct 2003: Ephesians 6:11, 13b-18 & Micah 2:12-13
Nov 2003: Philippians 1:6-11 &Ezekiel 47:12ff & Matthew 19:29
Dec 2003: Isaiah 54:1-3
Jan 2004: Matthew 20:1-16
Feb 2004: Matthew 11:28-30 & Isaiah 58:11-12
Apr 2004: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 & 2 Thessalonians 2:14-17
Prophecy from November, 2003:
"My little ones, I call you to be a blessing and live in blessing by doing My word every day. This means hearing My word, meditating on that word day and night, pondering it in your heart as Mary did, and then acting on that word. If all you do is listen to it, you are deceiving yourself. It is the time to rouse one another to good works, for the Day of the Lord draws near. Give Me your `Yes' as Mary did and you will see Me work incredible miracles of conversion through you. Trust in Me, hope in Me, love Me with all your heart. You will not be disappointed. Know My peace. Shalom."
Prophecy from March, 2004:
I sensed the Lord saying "Pray that you do not undergo the test. When attacked, injured or persecuted pray that you can respond in love and not react in anger.
A three ply cord is not easily broken" (Eccl 4:12).
Then I saw a ship (a working vessel that looked like it had been well used) tied to the harbor with a cable of rope.
I understood that the cable represented Presentation Ministries and Communities. [We are] brothers and sister by virtue of our baptisms whose lives, and families, are intertwined with each other through love, support, and convenants working for the Lord.
Because of injuries, brokenness, misunderstandings, sin, miscommunication, lack of communication, and Satan's attacks there is continual stress exerted on this cable...There is constant need for forgiveness. "How many times must I forgive my brother? Seventy times seven times." Unforgiveness in our members will cause the cable to fray and weaken. Love, forgiveness, and the healing of bodies, minds and spirits will mend and strengthen the cable.
Our hurts, our pain, our unforgiveness, our weakness, our sinfulness were all part of Jesus' agony in the garden. He says to us "Pray that you may not undergo the test" (Lk 22:39). Presentation Ministries and Communities, pray that you will not undergo the test. Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray! (Lk 22:40)
Bob Celia's latest advancement with Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel building project at the Jansen Discipleship Center in Peebles, Ohio was to finalize the plans for the heating and air-conditioning. The next step is to get bids for the job. Of course, after that, funds will be needed to complete this stage of the work. Please remember to pray for this project. We need many miracles of donations, both materials and money. |
![]() Facade of Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel |
The future dorm room space improvises as a useful
Verandah alongside the dorms looking out into the courtyard |
by Peggy Nicholas
The one way to peace is the power of the cross. His banner over me is love. The words of this song ring true in the life of longtime co-worker, Marjorie Albrechta, who embraces her daily crosses in life knowing that growth in His love and peace are her reward.
Marjorie and her husband, Paul, lived in Fremont, OH where, not without many a small cross, they raised their 6 children. They experienced first hand how the Lord turns all things to the good for those who love Him and keep His way. Paul had, by the grace of God, fought a battle with cancer and by the grace of God was in complete remission.
Marjorie and Paul Albrechta before Paul contracted cancer |
Later he ran for public office. He not only lost the election but he lost his job, too, which of course always includes a cross for the whole family. Paul then felt called to make a Life in the Spirit Seminar. Marjorie quickly followed Pauls lead after which they joined a prayer group at St. Cashmires Church. It was through their prayer group that they first heard about Presentation Ministries (PM).
Being filled with new life in the Spirit, they were anxious to learn all they could about the Magisterial teachings of the Church. Together they attended seven days of PMs 10-day summer Bible Institute. They did this for three years in a row, from 1989 - 1991. Shortly after attending their last joint Bible Institute, Paul died of a blood clot in the brain stem complicated by pneumonia in January 1992. Marjorie was so thankful to the Lord for the awakening in the faith they both had shared before Pauls demise because it gave her the inner strength she needed to make it through the period of time he was on hospice.
After that Marjorie, determined more than ever to learn and live her faith, decided to attend the entire 40-day Discipleship program that includes attending the Bible Institute. Being graced and blessed by God to have the time available each summer, she became a regular for the next 13 years. She jokes that she is a slow learner when in fact she returned again and again because as she says There is just so much to learn about the depth and beauty of the Catholic faith that I couldnt drink in enough of these teachings. It was a way of nourishing myself for the whole rest of the year. I was able to take stock, renew myself, and heal more each time I went. I came back every year, also, because I knew what was being taught at PM was the truths of the faith. I have learned so much and grown in the gifts of the Holy Spirit by leaps and bounds.
While attending the 40-days Discipleship and Bible Institute in 1993 she became a co-worker for PM and immediately recruited another woman from her parish to come and see for yourself (Jn 1:46). Mt 21:6 tells us the disciples went off and did what Jesus had ordered. From then on her friend, Mary Naderer, became a regular Discipleship attendee, too. By their fruit shall you know them.
It was during the Jubilee 2000 Bible Institute that Marjorie faced her greatest cross. She was called off a bus that was taking the people to see the youth play, only to find out that her youngest daughter, Stephanie, had been hospitalized with meningitis. She left immediately. Stephanie died a few days later. Marjorie and her other children rallied to the support of Stephanies three little daughters whose father chose this particular time to abandon his family. It was during those trying times that she leaned the most heavily upon her faith and stood with Mary once again at the foot of the cross. If I hadnt had all those years of Fr. Als teachings on forgiveness I could very easily have become quite bitter. Thanks be to God it all had taken root in my heart and soul as I was blessed and graced to fight those inclinations.
In 2002 Fr. Al invited everyone to come and see if you are called to live in community at the Discipleship Center in Peebles, OH. Marjorie took that invitation seriously. She felt it was a calling from God to sell all she owned and follow Jesus (Mk 10:21). She believed in her heart that the Lord was calling her to live and work for Him in PM. After the Lord sold my house for me, I prayed fervently about whether or not I was called to live in community at the Discipleship Center, or get a place in Cincinnati, join a small home-based community, and work for the Lord at PMs Ministry Center in town. She received a clear answer to her prayers and so, bought a small home, and began working for PM as a volunteer for their finance ministry. She also works two days a week at the Pregnancy Center Fr. Al started in his former parish in the inner city.
Fr. Al embraced her and blessed her, placing his hands on her head (see Mk 10:16). Two months later her beloved shepherd succumbed to cancer and she once again embraced her cross with Mary, her Mother.
Marjorie knows the great importance of being in community and the power of being united in prayers (see Mt 18:20 & Acts 2:42) from all she had been taught by Fr. Al. So, her joy became complete when LaVerne Stecher invited her to join the Servants HBC, where she prays, and sings joyfully realizing fully how the words of this song have a greater depth in meaning to her than ever: The one way to peace is the power of the cross. His banner over me is love.
We always love to hear accounts from our co-workers about how Jesus is working in and through their lives, all for the building up of the kingdom of God. The following came to us through email.
Acquainting people with PM has become a habit, if not a passion of sorts, for some of us here. This past Sunday some visitors attended our 8:30 AM Mass at St. Francis de Sales in Paducah, Kentucky. Afterwards, they joined us for coffee and doughnuts in the hall. We conversed with these two couples and found they were from Virginia Beach, VA and Kansas City, KS, respectively. Soon I was running back over to church to retrieve copies of One Bread, One Body (OBOB) to present to these two couples. While in the church, I encountered another man who had disembarked from a visiting river boat. [Paducah is at the confluence of the Tennessee and Ohio Rivers, and so is often a port-of-call for boats traveling along the river. Our 100-plus year old church is only six short blocks from the river] He left with a OBOB in his hand and a recommendation to check out Back at the hall the two couples also received copies of OBOB and the same recommendation about the website.
Beyond Presentation Ministries information, we had a good interchange about what was going on in each of our parishes. The Virginia Beach residents were blessed to hold Eucharistic Adoration 24-hours a day in their parish. Although it was not verbalized, Im sure we all recognized how good it is to be part of the Catholic, universal (it works for all), Church. We are one body!
Bill Humm,
Co-worker, Paducah, KY
How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news announcing peace . . . proclaiming happiness . . . our God reigns! see Isaiah 52:7
You would recognize them as actors in the youth plays presented each year at the Presentation Ministries summer Bible Institute. A group of Presentations youth are determined to participate in World Youth Day-2005. This necessitates the daunting task of raising enough funds to assist 40-60 hopeful travelers heading to Germany where World Youth Day will be held in August of 2005. So far they have organized a letter writing campaign, had bake sales, sold cookie mix gifts, and bagged groceries at Biggs.
Donations of any amount would be most appreciated if you would like to help. Make checks payable to St Leo Church. Please indicate: for World Youth Day on the check.
Mail to: Elizabeth Egan
2910 Ratterman
Cincinnati, OH 45211
For information about this event, visit the World Youth Day website:
We recently did a survey and discovered that we have from 60 to 80 people calling the Bible Telephone Lines each day. This is a good number, but the potential is so much greater! With a little bit of effort we could easily double that number. If you have a Bible Telephone Line in your area consider asking your local parish to publish the number in their bulletin. If all the parishes where there are local lines would do this we could have many more opportunities to encourage people to go to Mass and live the Catholic faith! To get a bulletin announcement for the Bible Telephone Line in your area call Wayne and Darlene Davis, 317-462-5010 or email or simply make one in your own words. Remember that the line is available 24 hours each day with a new teaching each day on the readings for Mass. This is also a prayer line and callers may leave a prayer request at the end of the teaching. Of course, we welcome inquiries from those who feel called to start a new line in a city which does not currently have one. The following cities have local Bible Telephone Lines:
- Atlanta, Georgia (770) 521-8570
- Cincinnati, Ohio (859) 291-7000
- Cleveland, Ohio (440) 572-4366
- Columbus, Ohio (614) 470-0020
- Dayton, Ohio (937) 640-2740
- Ft. Lauderdale, Florida (954) 571-3644
- Grand Rapids, Michigan (616) 493-7215
- Indianapolis, Indiana (317) 767-5413
- Evansville, Indiana (812) 464-0062
- Long Island, New York (631) 574-2413
Recently, we received the following letter from a listener to the Catholic Radio station in Philadelphia.
Thank you so much for continuing Fr. Lauers work. He was so sorely needed in this sin-stained world, but the Lord had different plans for him. I so enjoy his daily programs on WISP. Its hard to believe that Father is not here in body when I listen to him. God bless you all.
And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:32
by Chris Jasek
A recent study of Internet use, showed that pornographic websites receive 3 times more visits than the top web search engines like Google and Yahoo! So its not surprising that our leaflet, Oral Sex in Marriage, draws hundreds of people a month into our website. We pray that the Lord works powerfully to bring a light in the darkness through our website. New additions to include:
- My People newspaper
- Conversion Conversations (Book)
- PM Prophecies
- About PM section
- Co-worker information
Louisville Adds Daily Bread Radio Program
by Dean Weber
WLCR AM 1040 which covers the Louisville metropolitan area recently added Fr. Lauers classic edition of Daily Bread and also expanded their coverage of the Louisville area. WLCR, Holy Family Radio, is a Catholic station and we want to thank the management for putting Fr. Lauers program on the air.
The truth will set you free. John 8:32
Annual 10% Return on Evangelization
by Dean Weber
The number of households that will correspond with us will increase by 10 per cent per year if you add either our radio program or our Bible telephone Line in your city. Plus, your reward will be greater in heaven. Fr. Lauers teachings have a wonderful way of reaching the heart.
Below are all the cities that have a public
evangelization effort on going, and the household count. On average the count increased
ten percent from the prior year.
Radio and Telephone Cities | Year 2002 |
Year 2003 |
Cincinnati OH | 6330 | 6615 |
Telephone Only | ||
Atlanta GA | 528 | 557 |
Cleveland OH | 1508 | 1763 |
Columbus OH | 1219 | 1311 |
Grand Rapids MI | 390 | 442 |
Indianapolis IN | 1250 | 1407 |
New York NY | 2070 | 2407 |
Dayton OH | 754 | 701 |
Ft. Lauderdale FL | 783 | 910 |
Evansville IN | 969 | 1012 |
Radio Only | ||
Pittsburgh PA | 1914 | 2129 |
Omaha NE | 452 | 527 |
Lexington KY | 242 | 259 |
Philadelphia PA | 579 | 640 |
Detroit MI | 2350 | 2687 |
Ann Arbor MI | ||
Lansing MI | ||
Flint MI | ||
Saginaw MI | ||
Pontiac MI | ||
Bay City MI | ||
Small cities | 206 | 224 |
If your city is not listed above, is the Lord calling you to reach out to them? Start a radio program or Bible Telephone Line in Your city. Please contact:
Radio: Dean Weber 513-232-5482
Bible Telephone: Wayne & Darlene Davis 317-462-5010
We thank the dedicated volunteers that maintain these ministries in their various cities. They are leaders in evangelization.
Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15