Prayer Request

My husband Dennis has left our marriage and family because he has been having an affair. He has been under evil spells and hexs that his mistress has casted on him to manipulate and control his actions and thoughts. Please help free him from all evil and help him to think clearly again. Help him to see her true colors of how evil and selfish she truly is. Make him soften his heart to forgive me for the past and to realize that he doesnt want to lose me. Please help him to find his way back to our marriage and make him do anything and everything to make our marriage work. Please make him end things with her and her family completely and to come back home to me and our kids for good. Protect him from all evil, especially from her. Give him strength against her, give him strength to come back home. Pray that he never leaves us again and that our marriage and family will be amazing again. ---- We have prayed with you
March 22, 2022